CDP Team

CDP Team


Recently shipped

HogQL filter autocomplete and syntax highlights launched

HogQL, our take on SQL, continues to improve! This time Marius has added some autocomplete and highlighting features to help you create queries more quickly and easily.

Autocomplete and highlighting features are obviously useful for any queries you want to create, but it's worth nothing that they also work properties from our data warehouse. In other words, if you're syncing data from Stripe (or any source, really) then it's now even easier to create custom reports.


Q2 objectives

  • Position CDP as a first class product
  • New destination in place
    • Very fast + easy to add new destinations
    • We’ve identified 5 destinations we don’t have and have built
    • Have a system for very flexible generic transformations/filters Ship pipeline new UI (Tiina) - this will be a Pipeline team goal



Many of these already exist in some form - a lot of the work here is around presenting CDP as a complete product by surfacing these things or making them easier to do:

  • Client data capture
  • Global transformations
  • Destination transformations
  • Identity resolution
  • Destination delivery
  • Data warehousing

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